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Terms of Use

Article 1 Purpose

These Terms and Conditions govern the rights of the “User” in using the services provided on the “Homepage” (, hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) operated by Eco Bridge Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”). The purpose is to define obligations and responsibilities.

Article 2 Definitions

The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.

(1) “Site” refers to a virtual space where the company can trade goods and services through information and communication facilities such as computers and smartphones in order to provide goods and services (hereinafter “services”) to users.

(2) “User” refers to a person who accesses the site operated by the Company and uses the goods provided by the Company in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

Article 3 Effect and change of terms and conditions.

(1) These terms and conditions become effective upon posting through the initial service screen of the site.

(2) The Company is responsible for the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Electronic Transactions, Electronic Signature Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Act on Door-to-Door Sales, etc., Framework Act on Consumers, Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. These terms and conditions may be changed to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws and regulations. In this case, the date of application, reason for revision, and changes will be specified and announced on the initial service screen from 7 days prior to the date of application until the day before the date of application. However, if the content is changed to be unfavorable to users, this will be announced 30 days prior to the effective date.

(3) Pursuant to Paragraph 2, the changed terms and conditions will take effect in the same manner as Paragraph 1.

Article 4 Terms and Conditions

(1) The company may stipulate separate terms and conditions in relation to the individual services provided by the company, and if the terms and conditions of the individual service conflict with these terms and conditions, the terms and conditions of the individual service shall take precedence over these terms and conditions.

(2) Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations or commercial practices.

Article 5 Use of goods, etc.

(1) The user's application for use of goods, etc. is regarded as consent to these Terms and Conditions, and when the user applies for use in this way, a use contract in accordance with these Terms and Conditions is established.

(2) In principle, service use is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless there is a special problem with the company's business or technology.

(3) The Company suspends the provision of services in the event that it is difficult to provide normal services due to inspection, repair, replacement, breakdown of information and communication systems, etc., communication interruption, or acts that violate these Terms and Conditions.

(4) In the case of service interruption pursuant to Paragraph 3, the Company will post related information to users on the screen. However, this does not apply if posting on the screen is impossible due to service interruption due to reasons beyond the company's control.

(5) Services provided by the company are free.

Article 6 Restrictions on the use of goods, etc.

(1) The company may not provide services in the following cases.

a. If the user uses another person's name when authenticating himself or uses other illegal means, such as registering false information when applying for use,

b. When a user wishes to use goods, etc. for the purpose of pursuing his or her own profit.

c. When a user applies for use for the purpose of violating laws or disrupting public order or morals

d. If the user wishes to use goods, etc. for illegal purposes. If the user violates all matters stipulated in these Terms and Conditions or it is difficult to approve use due to other reasons attributable to the user.

e. If a minor under the age of 14 wishes to use

(2) In cases where identity verification is required, the user must provide some personal information to the company for identity verification or go through a verification process to use it.

Article 7 Collection and use of personal information, etc.

(1) In principle, the company does not collect or use users’ personal information. However, in cases where it is necessary, such as customer inquiries, or when identity verification is required, we collect the minimum amount of information necessary.

(2) The Company may operate a device that automatically collects Internet access information files (so-called cookie information) to enable users to access the site smoothly, and users may collect the Company's Internet access information files by changing the settings of the computer they use. You can block the collection of .

(3) When the company collects a user’s personal information, the company must obtain the consent of the user.

(4) Users may request to view and correct errors in their personal information held by the company at any time, and the company has the obligation to take necessary measures without delay.

(5) Other personal information-related matters are governed by relevant laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Personal Information Protection Act, and the personal information processing policy posted on the company's service screen.

Article 10 Attribution of copyright and restrictions on use

(1) Copyrights and other intellectual property rights for works provided by the Company belong to the Company.

(2) Users must not use the information obtained by using the services provided by the Company for commercial purposes or allow third parties to use the information obtained through reproduction, transmission, publication, distribution, broadcasting or other methods without prior consent of the Company.

Article 11 Obligations of the Company

(1) The company has an obligation to continuously and stably provide services, etc. in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions.

(2) The company must process opinions raised by users through appropriate procedures, and if it takes a certain period of time, the company must inform the user of the reason and processing schedule.

Article 12 User Obligations

(1) Users are responsible for managing information that can be used for identity verification (e.g., i-PIN ID and password, public certificate password, etc.) and devices, and damages incurred due to reasons attributable to the user in this regard. The company is not responsible for this.

(2) If the user becomes aware that his or her information that can be used for identity verification has been stolen or that a third party is using the information, he or she must notify the company.

(3) Users must comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and relevant laws and regulations, and must not engage in the following acts.

A. Use of other illegal means, such as using another person's name or registering false information when authenticating one's identity.

B. Arbitrary changes to information posted on websites operated by the company.

C Transmitting or posting information without permission from the company.

D.  Infringement of intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, of the company or other third parties.

E. Any act that damages the reputation of the company or other third parties or interferes with their business.

F. Disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, videos, voices, or other information that is against public morals and morals.

Article 13 Management of user posts

The company may delete content sent or registered by a user without prior notice if it determines that it falls under any of the following.

(1) When posting advertisements or promotional materials not approved by the company, such as spam postings, or when content may be unrelated to the service

(2) If it may be a slander or slander that damages the reputation of the company, other users, or a third party.

(3) If the content violates public order and morals

(4) If the content is recognized as being consistent with criminal activity

(5) If the content infringes on other people’s copyrights or other rights

(6) If the content violates other relevant laws or these Terms and Conditions

Article 14 Notification and provision of information to users

(1) When the company notifies a user who has authenticated his or her identity, the notice may be sent by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address previously provided to the company by the user or by sending a text message to the mobile phone number.

(2) The company may notify an unspecified number of users by posting the notice on the bulletin board for more than one week.

(3) The company may provide users who have authenticated themselves with various information deemed necessary to use the service through e-mail, SMS, phone, etc.

Article 15 Compensation for damages

If damage is caused to the other party intentionally or through negligence in connection with the use of services, etc., the company and the user must compensate for the damage. However, the company is not liable for any damages related to the use of services provided free of charge, unless the company violates the provisions of the personal information processing policy.

Article 16 Disclaimer

(1) If the company is unable to provide services due to a natural disaster or other force majeure, the company is exempt from liability for the provision of services, etc.

(2) The company is not responsible for any disruption in the use of the site due to reasons attributable to the user.

(3) The Company is not liable for any loss of profits expected by users using the Site or for any damage resulting from materials obtained through the Site.

(4) The Company is not responsible for the reliability or accuracy of information, data, or facts posted on the site by users.

(5) The Company is not liable for any damage caused by the user's intention or negligence in connection with the use of the site.

(6) The company is exempt from liability for damage caused by unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, regular inspection, or construction of site equipment.

(7) The company is not responsible for damages caused by a user's computer error or when the user incorrectly entered personal information when authenticating himself or herself.

Article 17 Partial invalidity

If some provisions of these Terms and Conditions are invalid due to relevant laws, etc., these Terms and Conditions will remain in effect unless the remaining provisions alone make it impossible to achieve the purpose or are unfairly disadvantageous to the user.

Article 18 Jurisdiction and Governing Law

The competent court for dispute-related lawsuits that arise between the company and users in relation to the use of services, etc. shall be the courts of the Republic of Korea, which have jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Act, and the governing law shall be the law of the Republic of Korea.

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